Monday 14 December 2015


12/14 Pics from the Weekend & Fitness for the Week


Hi friends!

I hope you had a wunderbar weekend :) 

Yes, even YOU - especially you - crazy amazing students who are feeling the wrath of upcoming finals and term paper deadlines! 

Pics from the Weekend

I'm not going to lie, I had a bit of a lame weekend. 

I forced myself to go to the lib Friday night after work (for reals), but then changed it up a bit and went to a nearby coffee shop on Saturday & Sunday to write ALL OF THE TERM PAPERS. 

Don't you just luuuurve hearing graduate students complain about their workload?? 

I know. Samesies. 

Anywho, I still managed to make time for some delicious brunch at the Sandy Hill Pub & Grill For their amazing breakfast hash!

And went for a BEAUTIFUL springtime run along the canal

...and was lazy and ate dinner out. 


Fitness for the Week 

H'Okay, so, here's what's on the ol' workout schedule this week [I just realized there were a heck of a lot of apostrophes in that sentence, my apologies ;) ]

Monday: Run: Speed Intervals 

Tuesday: Weight Circuit

Wednesday: Run: Stairs

Thursday: Bodyweight Circuit

Friday: Yoga :)

Saturday: Active Rest Day

Sunday: Runday! 

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